Siddhartha Shiksh Sadan

Preparing Students For Future

With more prioritize for character development, leadership skills, and extracurricular opportunities. We provides a supportive and challenging environment for students to learn, grow, and thrive. With rigorous academics, expert faculty, and a diverse community of peers, our boarding school offers an unparalleled educational experience

Siddhartha's Mission

Student success through holistic support: academic, social, and emotional.

Siddhartha's Vision

Compassion, respect, excellence, responsibility, teamwork, and integrity.

Siddhartha's Values

Focusing on students compassion, respect, excellence, responsibility, teamwork, and integrity.


Preparing Students to become compassionate leaders of tomorrow.


We Are Committed To Excellence In Education

With more prioritize for character development, leadership skills, and extracurricular opportunities. We provides a supportive and challenging environment for students to learn, grow, and thrive. With rigorous academics, expert faculty, and a diverse community of peers, our boarding school offers an unparalleled educational experience


Core Features And Facilities

Fostering excellence in education and holistic development. Welcome to a transformative journey of boundless learning and growth.

Science &Computer Lab

Science and computer labs that provide students with hands-on learning opportunities.

Extra Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities, enabling students to explore their interests and develop new skills.

Counseling & Motivation

Helping students make informed decisions about their future and achieve their full potential.


Transportation options, ensuring that students can safely and conveniently travel to and from school

Nutritious Cafeteria

Healthy meal options, ensuring that students have access to balanced and nourishing food

Dance & Music

Spacious auditorium hall for porvviding ample space for students to engage in dance and music.

Educational Excursions

Experiential learning and broaden their knowledge beyond the classroom.

Extensive Library

Wide resources to support the academic growth and development of our students.

Spacious Playground

Spacious playground for providing ample space for students to engage in physical activities

Ready to embark on your
academic journey
for 2081?

Enroll now for the academic journey of 2081.

+977 068-522624

Our Team

Meet Our Dedicated Team

We are dedicated to fostering an environment of academic excellence, personal growth, and community engagement

Siddhartha Shiksha Sadan

Our institutional Partner


Upto 100% Scholarship

Siddhartha Shiksha Sadan is ooffering ful and partial scholarship for extraordinary talented and sutents facing economic hardship